
Mixture 0.45 SDA : 1 SiO2 : 40 H2O
SDA Tetramethylammonium hydroxide
Temperature 180.00 °C
Duration 8 d
Conditions static

Millini, Carluccio, Carati, Bellussi, Perego, Cruciani & Zanardi (2004):

Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, Volume 74, Issue 1-3, Pages 59-71.

Crystal Structure

Structurally nearly identical materials
Crystal chemically related materials
Chemical composition per unit cell [N(CH3)4]2 Si18O34(OH)4
Lattice parameters of the 2D cell of the layer
  • b = 13.97 Å
  • c = 7.41 Å
  • α = 90.00 °
Lattice parameters related to the stacking direction
  • a = 10.56 Å
  • β = 97.98 °
  • γ = 90.00 °
Space group P2(1)/m
XRD reflections representing the 2D cell of the layer
  • (020) = 12.663 °
  • (031) = 22.593 °
  • (012) = 25.058 °
XRD reflections representing the layer-layer distance
  • (100) = 8.448 °

Millini, Carluccio, Carati, Bellussi, Perego, Cruciani & Zanardi (2004):

Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, Volume 74, Issue 1-3, Pages 59-71.


Density (calculated) 1.950 g/cm3
Condensation product Disordered CDO-type zeolite
h k l M Icalc d-hkl
1 0 0 2 8.448 100.0 10.458
1 1 0 4 10.558 0.0 8.372
0 0 1 2 12.043 0.8 7.343
0 2 0 2 12.663 5.2 6.985
0 1 1 4 13.613 5.0 6.500
-1 0 1 2 13.728 9.6 6.445
-1 1 1 4 15.127 2.7 5.852
1 2 0 4 15.242 2.1 5.808
1 0 1 2 15.666 3.8 5.652
1 1 1 4 16.909 0.1 5.239
2 0 0 2 16.942 0.6 5.229
0 2 1 4 17.510 0.9 5.061
2 1 0 4 18.100 10.3 4.897
-1 2 1 4 18.719 2.7 4.737
-2 0 1 2 19.409 0.1 4.570
. . . . . .
1 2 1 4 20.195 4.2 4.394
-2 1 1 4 20.431 7.6 4.343
1 3 0 4 20.866 5.3 4.254
2 2 0 4 21.208 24.0 4.186
2 0 1 2 22.179 4.1 4.005
0 3 1 4 22.593 12.8 3.932
2 1 1 4 23.084 9.4 3.850
-2 2 1 4 23.242 11.3 3.824
-1 3 1 4 23.552 0.2 3.774
0 0 2 2 24.222 3.6 3.672
-1 0 2 2 24.537 6.9 3.625
1 3 1 4 24.753 0.2 3.594
0 1 2 4 25.058 3.4 3.551
-1 1 2 4 25.363 9.2 3.509
0 4 0 2 25.485 17.7 3.492
3 0 0 2 25.531 2.0 3.486
2 3 0 4 25.595 19.5 3.478
2 2 1 4 25.620 4.3 3.474
3 1 0 4 26.328 2.3 3.382
-3 0 1 2 26.720 1.3 3.334
1 0 2 2 26.807 11.0 3.323
1 4 0 4 26.893 4.7 3.313
-2 3 1 4 27.322 0.0 3.262
0 2 2 4 27.422 0.6 3.250
-3 1 1 4 27.485 0.9 3.243
1 1 2 4 27.569 5.0 3.233
-2 0 2 2 27.659 7.6 3.223
-1 2 2 4 27.703 0.7 3.218
0 4 1 4 28.274 0.0 3.154
-2 1 2 4 28.400 3.0 3.140
3 2 0 4 28.595 0.5 3.119
-1 4 1 4 29.058 0.9 3.071
2 3 1 4 29.393 0.2 3.036
-3 2 1 4 29.670 1.2 3.009
1 2 2 4 29.749 0.1 3.001
3 0 1 2 29.834 0.5 2.992
1 4 1 4 30.054 0.9 2.971
-2 2 2 4 30.526 0.0 2.926
3 1 1 4 30.527 1.1 2.926
2 4 0 4 30.762 1.0 2.904
0 3 2 4 30.993 0.8 2.883
-1 3 2 4 31.244 1.8 2.860
2 0 2 2 31.636 0.1 2.826
3 3 0 4 32.046 0.1 2.791
-2 4 1 4 32.235 0.0 2.775
2 1 2 4 32.294 0.9 2.770
3 2 1 4 32.526 0.0 2.751
-3 0 2 2 32.854 0.2 2.724
-3 3 1 4 33.020 0.2 2.711
1 3 2 4 33.091 0.4 2.705
1 5 0 4 33.163 0.4 2.699
-3 1 2 4 33.491 1.5 2.674
-2 3 2 4 33.799 0.0 2.650
2 4 1 4 34.034 0.0 2.632
2 2 2 4 34.201 0.7 2.620
4 0 0 2 34.269 0.0 2.615
0 5 1 4 34.314 2.6 2.611
-4 0 1 2 34.760 0.3 2.579
4 1 0 4 34.883 0.0 2.570
-1 5 1 4 34.975 0.0 2.563
-3 2 2 4 35.340 0.6 2.538
-4 1 1 4 35.366 0.0 2.536
0 4 2 4 35.446 0.8 2.530
3 3 1 4 35.636 0.0 2.517
-1 4 2 4 35.669 0.5 2.515
1 5 1 4 35.824 0.3 2.505
3 4 0 4 36.385 0.2 2.467
2 5 0 4 36.431 0.5 2.464
-1 0 3 2 36.492 0.5 2.460
4 2 0 4 36.671 0.1 2.449
0 0 3 2 36.686 0.3 2.448
Atom x y z Biso Occ.
Si1 0.8008 0.9530 0.3076 1.18 1.000
Si2 0.4673 0.7500 0.5467 1.18 1.000
Si3 0.6353 0.0494 0.9832 1.18 1.000
Si4 0.4635 0.7500 0.9368 1.18 1.000
Si5 0.6486 0.0560 0.5766 1.18 1.000
Si6 0.3286 0.2500 0.7040 1.18 1.000
O1 0.6353 0.1688 0.5382 1.97 1.000
O2 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 1.97 1.000
O3 0.7661 0.8397 0.2848 1.97 1.000
O4 0.6174 0.1609 0.0056 1.97 1.000
O5 0.6923 0.0479 0.7919 1.97 1.000
O6 0.9554 0.9490 0.3382 1.97 1.000
O7 0.6019 0.7500 0.4742 1.97 1.000
O8 0.5692 0.7500 0.1135 1.97 1.000
O9 0.5316 0.7500 0.7561 1.97 1.000
O10 0.7654 0.0185 0.4769 1.97 1.000
O11 0.7424 -0.0071 0.1105 1.97 1.000
O12 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 1.97 0.960
N1 -0.0191 0.7500 0.8426 2.37 0.960
C1 -0.1021 0.6624 0.8328 2.37 0.960
C2 0.0636 0.7500 1.0244 2.37 0.960
C3 0.0606 0.7500 0.6923 2.37 0.960

User Cell Range (natural numbers 1-5):

No data available